Week 17: Reno-Station

The more things change, the more some things remain enigmatically the same. If you commute into New York, hopefully you don’t have to endure Penn Station. It’s been a mess for a very long time, with cramped spaces, disgusting common areas, bad services, and bathrooms that smell like…bathrooms. Well, during…

Week 16: Honor the Herb

With Earth Day coming up, I scrolled through the archives looking for past stories about nature, and I found a lot of them. In this blog, I’ve explained how Fireflies channel Lucifer; why Woollie Bears cross the road; the ABC’s of CCD; how we’re wasting all our fresh water busily…

Week 15: Taxation Nation

You’re probably pretty grumpy right about now. And I’m here to explain why. The Founding Fathers were apprehensive from the beginning. They had just broken away from an Empire that they thought had taxed them unfairly, to pay for the cost of the French and Indian War. The Founders were…

Week 14: Spring Reflection

You may remember from your biology class that “Kickass Petals Can Obfuscate Folks’ Gardening Stratifications.” With that in mind, I’m thinking about the taxonomy of some spring flowers. It starts out pretty simply, they are obviously Plants, so they go in that Kingdom. Their Phylum was once called Magnoliophyta, after…