The Summer Shuffle

OK, summer is underway. You’ve probably got your vacation dates set in the calendar, the flights are booked, the house rental is all paid for. Now you just need to get some mindless entertainment like a paperback thriller, a jigsaw puzzle, some crossword puzzle books, or a deck of cards……


For Memorial Day, here’s something that, sadly, you’ve heard before. And you have Daniel Butterfield to blame. He was just a kid from Utica, New York, who attended Union College and then joined his father’s firm, the Overland Mail Company. By the time he was 30, he was a principal executive at…

Bottle of Duh

Let us now praise the pandemic. It was poetic that on the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day back in April 2020, when the world was completely shut down, the Earth demonstrated its amazing powers of recovery. There were jellyfish swimming in the suddenly clear channels of Venice. Folks in some…