March 1775: Restraint

The timing on the next pair of decisions is almost funny. As previously noted, in the beginning of February 1775, Parliament in England had lost patience with the pesky colonials in Boston and had declared them to be in open rebellion. A ship bearing this decision set sail for America,…

March Madness

The results of March Madness are already in. But before we get to that, let’s back up to 2010. That’s when some researchers at The Institute of Diversity and Ethics in Sports looked at the graduation rates of the 65 men’s and 64 women’s teams in that year’s tournament, utilizing…

Happy Holi-Day

Today’s got it all: a full moon, a lunar eclipse, and probably the oldest party in the world. The custom is so ancient that no one is exactly sure how it all got started. But it wasn’t always fun and games. One popular tale is that long ago in India, there was…