5.20.16 Sea the Beer
I recently reported on a way you can, “Drink a beer, save the world,” thanks to an innovative cardboard bottle being pioneered by Carlsberg Brewing Company.
But some beach dudes in Florida had an even better idea. There’s a microbrewery in Delray Beach (actually it’s more like a nanobrewery, just a shack alongside I-95) called Saltwater Brewing. It’s run by a bunch of sailors and surfers, “whose roots and values spur from a lifestyle that revolves around the ocean.” All their beers are branded around ocean themes, and the company is heavily involved in eco-charities in the area.
Well these guys have come up with something pretty novel: a six-pack ring container made entirely from barley and wheat that has been used in the brewing process. They say the material is as resistant and efficient as traditional plastic packaging, so it delivers the canned product safely to market. But it goes beyond being recyclable or compostable. It is actually EDIBLE. That’s right, entirely safe for human and animal consumption. So now, instead of plastic rings that entangle turtles or choke sea-birds and other wildlife, these eco-rings could actually feed the wildlife that come in contact with it.
Trouble is, it’s cost-prohibitive to manufacture in small quantities. So Saltwater Brewing teamed up with a local ad agency and launched a video to announce their innovation, in the hopes of enlisting larger breweries to adopt the technology. You can see it here. By creating economies of scale, the eco-rings could become as affordable to produce as traditional plastic. As Saltwater’s founder said, “We want to influence the big guys, and inspire them to get on board.” And, beyond the beer industry, who knows what might happen if Coke or Pepsi joined in?
So I amend my opening statement. It’s Friday, summer’s coming, and the sun is shining. Here’s an offer that’s pretty hard to refuse:
“Drink a six pack, feed the turtles, save the world.”