9.18.15 Almighty Google
We previously reported, foolishly, not to worry about it…y’know, the Tetrad of four full moons strung together like drops of blood on the calendar from Passover 2014 to Sukkot 2014 to Passover 2015 to Sukkot 2015, the last of which happens…*gulp*…next week…and we said, that…um…this wasn’t anything other than a normal astronomical occurrence that happens all the time…..and that it wasn’t the breaking of the seventh seal…figs would actually stay on the trees…no earthquakes…no sackcloth…no references to Revelations….
Yeah, well, we’re awfully sorry about that.
We forgot about Google.
News Story 1: Last night a meteorite almost 10 feet (10 FEET!) in diameter entered the atmosphere going 45,000 miles an hour and exploded over Bangkok. People saw it. People filmed it.
News Story 2: BreakingIsraelNews.com reports that “something big” is about to happen. They note that Tetrads occurred in 1948 (very roughly corresponding to the creation of Israel, like, only about a year or so later) and 1967 (the unification of Jerusalem), so 2015 must hold something big. And what could it be? Well, 2015 happens to be a “Jubilee Year,” a once-every-seven-year occurrence called Shemitah, and at the end of the last six Shemitahs, there has been a major downturn in the world economy. And Shemitah 2015 ended like, um, five days ago. And, well, just AND!
News Story 3: Author John Hagee knows what’s coming. Over the course of this Tetrad, ISIS has risen in the Middle East. And at the end of it, the United States and other world powers will sign a treaty with Iran! As Hagee notes, “”The evidence is very clear scripturally that God controls the sun, moon and stars, and that God is sending us a signal through the sun, the moon and the stars. The question is, are we listening?” Hagee is the author of Four Blood Moons. This was reported by CharismaNews.com.
News Story 4: Pastor Mark Blitz (Blitz, get it?) has tweeted to his flock via his feed TribulationNow (Tribulation, get it?) a link to a YouTube video that loaded VERY slowly and then crashed Firefox – with references to Joel 2:31, Acts 2:20, Revelations 6:12, and, most importantly, author John Hagee (!!) – that contained his assurance that the end of Tetrad signals “the end of the world and the second coming.” (Quote marks added to emphasize this is an actual quote.) And so it was quoted, and so it was reported, by RealtyNews.com
This is Google, people. This stuff is out there. This stuff is real.
So again, like we said, we’re sorry about what we previously said.
The fourth and final Blood Moon comes September 27. Enjoy your last nine days.